Flight Path
Have the Audacity to create the Life You Actually Want…
Let’s get real. You’ve been playing small for way too long... The life you’re living? It’s not even close to what you truly want, and deep down, you know it!
This 6-month group program is all about helping you break free from the BS you have created so you can step into the bold, unapologetic woman IT woman your soul desires.
Intuition + Audacity: Your Secret Sauce
Let’s talk about superpowers. Men have been conditioned to chase what they want without hesitation. Flight Path is about giving you the tools, mindset, and audacity to not just maintain, but to elevate you into the FUCK YES life.
In Flight Path, you’ll harness the power of:
Zero crowds, multiple brands
Champagne Dreams, Darling...
The woman you’re becoming? She’s not just successful—she’s Champagne-level. She’s bold, she’s elegant, and she’s living life on her own terms. Picture her: sipping Champagne on a yacht in the South of France, not stressing over the small stuff because she knows she’s got it all. But to meet her, you’ve got to let go of the current version of yourself and step into the next-level woman who knows she’s worth every bit of her dreams.
What you’ll receive:
Light Code Activation Videos: Psychic and spiritual women will receive my Psychic codes called EKA: Thought Leaders, EKTA: Unity with self, SOUL STAR CHAKRA Activation; the gateaway to your own psychic/ intuitive activation. - Where my clients have told me “i just get random ideas out of know where! Babe - that’s because your soul star chakra is ACTIVATED! Even my dad is coming up with random ideas, I’m like WHO ARE YOU DAD!?
Overcome Fear of Failure: Create an unshakable belief in yourself that YOUR SUCCESS IS GUARANTEED.
Self-Concept: See yourself as the IT woman and strategies to EMBODY HER.
Scripting & Meditations: South of France not for you, then what is she doing, how is she feeling - let’s create HER!
Mindset Reframing: Your mindset control’s everything. Learn strategies on how to keep your mind in success mode and also
shift from scarcity to an activated money consciousness.
What you’ll receive:
6 Months of energetic coaching and psychic support
2 x Group Fortnightly calls I will be channeling on these calls for you.
What’s App Group Access with Riley
1 in person event with the Group
Portal Access
Access to ongoing portal videos new content released fortnightly.
Feeling the tight pocket? Let me help you work through money shame - cause gorgeous I’ve been there!!!
Access my FREE Money Worthiness +
Shame Energetics Masterclass
Coming Soon
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the Pilot
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