Jet Planes Showing Beautiful Maneuver



Underline Brushstroke Doodle

Flight Path

Have the Audacity to create ​the Life You Actually Want…

Let’s get real. You’ve been playing small for way too long... The life ​you’re living? It’s not even close to what you truly want, and deep ​down, you know it!

This 6-month group program is all about helping you break free ​from the BS you have created so you can step into the bold, ​unapologetic woman IT woman your soul desires.

Intuition + Audacity: Your Secret Sauce

Let’s talk about superpowers. Men have been conditioned to chase ​what they want without hesitation. Flight Path is about giving you ​the tools, mindset, and audacity to not just maintain, but to elevate ​you into the FUCK YES life.

In Flight Path, you’ll harness the power of:

  • Intuition: Trusting your inner feminine wisdom to make bold ​moves
  • Audacity: The courage to not only dream big but to act boldly ​and unapologetically on your FK yes life.

Zero crowds, multiple brands

Champagne Dreams, Darling...

The woman you’re becoming? She’s not just ​successful—she’s Champagne-level. She’s bold, ​she’s elegant, and she’s living life on her own ​terms. Picture her: sipping Champagne on a yacht ​in the South of France, not stressing over the small ​stuff because she knows she’s got it all. But to ​meet her, you’ve got to let go of the current version ​of yourself and step into the next-level woman who ​knows she’s worth every bit of her dreams.

What you’ll receive:

Light Code Activation Videos: Psychic and spiritual women will ​receive my Psychic codes called EKA: Thought Leaders, EKTA: ​Unity with self, SOUL STAR CHAKRA Activation; the gateaway to ​your own psychic/ intuitive activation. - Where my clients have ​told me “i just get random ideas out of know where! Babe - that’s ​because your soul star chakra is ACTIVATED! Even my dad is ​coming up with random ideas, I’m like WHO ARE YOU DAD!?

Overcome Fear of Failure: Create an unshakable belief in ​yourself that YOUR SUCCESS IS GUARANTEED.

Self-Concept: See yourself as the IT woman and strategies to ​EMBODY HER.

Scripting & Meditations: South of France not for you, then what ​is she doing, how is she feeling - let’s create HER!

Mindset Reframing: Your mindset control’s everything. Learn ​strategies on how to keep your mind in success mode and also

shift from scarcity to an activated money consciousness.

What you’ll receive:

6 Months of energetic ​coaching and psychic ​support

2 x Group Fortnightly calls I ​will be channeling on these ​calls for you.

What’s App Group Access ​with Riley

1 in person event with the ​Group

Portal Access

Access to ongoing portal videos new ​content released fortnightly.


Jet Planes Showing Beautiful Maneuver

Feeling the tight pocket? Let me ​help you work through money ​shame - cause gorgeous I’ve been ​there!!!

Access my FREE Money Worthiness +

Shame Energetics Masterclass

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